Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ayurveda treatments

Ayurveda is the medical side of yoga.Ayurveda is the most ancient and traditional system of medicine in India.Ayurveda means the knowledge about science of life.The human body is composed of the three fundamental elements called doshas, dhatus and malas. The doshas govern the physio-chemical and physiological activities of the body. ayurvedic treatment is preventive, protective, health primitive and curative in nature.ayrveda is Indian medicine practiced all over the world as a complementary system.All ayurvedic studies conducted on herbal and holistic medicine in ancient India.Diet and lifestyle modifications mentioned in Ayurveda for each disease play an important role in bringing the diseases and conditions under control..Yoga and meditation which form a part of Ayurveda.

the different types of treatment of ayurveda.....: